Articles in Russian — Graphic Bibliography

We have in our possession a considerable amount of material written in the Russian language. It is our self-imposed mandate to preserve this material for future generations, and to translate it into English as proper permissions are obtained. The below are the beginnings of a graphic Bibliography of this material. The front pages of several articles have been electronically scanned and posted here. Due to Copyright restrictions, we are in general prohibited from scanning entire articles. Some of the older, shorter (1-3 page) articles have however been scanned in their entirety, and posted here for historical/research purposes. In general, you should use your local library's Interlibrary Loan Services to obtain complete journal articles. Bibliographic references are hand-written at the top of each front page below. Contributions of material for this section are most welcome. NOTE: Numbers hand-written in the upper right-hand corner of these articles refer to corresponding numbers in this bibliography. This cross-referencing may be useful to the serious researcher.

Miezhdu dvumya filmami
"Iskusstvo Kino" 1962 (11)

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Iskat i dobivatsa
"Sovietskii Ekran" 1962 (17)

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Sovietskiye kinematografisty oderzhali blestyashchyu pobedu
"Iskusstvo Kino" 1962 (11)

On the Golden Lion awarded to "Ivan's Childhood" at the Venice 1962 festival.

Kogda film okonchen
"Mosfilm", Moscow 1964
"Ekran 65" 1966

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Zapiechatlyonnoe vremya (fragment)
"Iskusstvo Kino" 1967 (4)
Dostoyanye sievodnyashnievo dnia
"Sovietskii Ekran" 1967 (8)
"Solaris" - bez ekzotiki
"Literaturnaya Gazeta" 4 Nov. 1970
Dialog s A. Tarkovskim o nauchnoi fantastikie na ekranie
"Ekran 1970-1971", Moscow 1971

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Zachem proshloye vstrechayetsa s budushchim?
"Iskusstvo Kino" 1971 (11) 1971
M. I. Rommu — 70 lyet
"Sovietskii ekran" 1971 (2)

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Tarkovsky and others write on the occasion of Mikhail Romm's 70th birthday.

Po doroge k filmu "Solaris"
"Sovietskii ekran" 1971

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Vsesoyuznaya pereklichka kinematografistov
"Iskusstvo Kino" 1971 (4)
Rezhissor i zritel. Problema kontakta.
"Molodoi kommunist" 1974 (6)
Yedinomyshlennik prezhde vsievo
"Sovietskiye khudozhniki teatra i kino '75", Moscow 1977

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Pered novymi zadachami
"Iskusstvo Kino" 1977 (7)

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O kinoobrazie
"Iskusstvo Kino" 1979 (3)
Tarkovskii o Tarkovskom
"Kultura i zhizn" 1979 (10)
Tanets: yevo nastoiashcheye i budushcheye
"Klub i khudozhestvennaya samodeyatelnost" 1980 (1)

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(Tarkovsky's speech at the all-union conference of cinema workers, Moscow 13-14 March 1980)
"Ekran i sovremennost" 1980

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O tekhnicheskom urovne sovietskovo kino
"Iskusstvo Kino" 1980 (8)

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My delayem filmy...
"Kino" (Vilnius) 1981 (10)

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"Ya chasto dumayu o vas..."
Iz perepiski Tarkovskovo s Kozintsevym

"Iskusstvo Kino" 1981 (6)

Tarkovsky's letters to Grigori Kozintsev.

Ya ostalsa sovietskim khudozhnikom
"Ogonyok" 1987 (21)

Tarkovsky's answer to his father's letter in which he explains his decision to stay in the West. The editor omits certain portions of the letter (where Tarkovsky mentions F. Yermash and S. Bondarchuk, for example). A more complete text has been published as Tsena prozrenya, Ed. "Kniga" 1990, see here. The full text is available in French in the book Andrei Tarkovski.

Krasota — simvol pravdy...
Posledneye intervyu Andreia Tarkovskovo

"Literaturnaya gazeta", 8 April 1987

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Russian translation (slightly abbreviated) of Andrei Tarkovsky's last interview from October 1986, published in "Le Figaro Magazine" (Paris).

Byeseda o tsvyete
"Kinovedcheskiye zapiski" 1988  (1)
Strasti po Andreiu
"Literaturnoye obozrenye" 1988 (9)
"Samoe dinamichnoe iskusstvo vysizhivaetsa godami".
Pisma k Yu. V. Zarubie

1988 (12)

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Letters of AT to Yuri Vladimirovich Zaruba (1914–1973), head of the screenplay board at the Goskino USSR from the mid-60s.

XX vek i khudozhnik
"Iskusstvo Kino" 1989 (4)

Transcript of two meetings with audiences in London in 1984.

Slovo ob Apokalipsise
"Iskusstvo Kino" 1989 (2)
Vstat na put
"Iskusstvo Kino" 1989 (2)

This is a slightly abbreviated translation of the Stockholm 1985 interview. The full text is available here.

O prirode nostalgii
"Iskusstvo Kino" 1989 (2)

An interview by Gideon Bachman.

Kazhdyi den s Tarkovskim
"Iskusstvo Kino" 1989 (2)

This is the Russian translation of Lars-Olof Löthwall's
Daily Rounds With Andrej Tarkovskij.

Krasota spasyot mir...
"Iskusstvo Kino" 1989 (2)

An interview by Charles-Henri de Brantes.

Korotkiye vstrechi, dolgii razgovor
[by Krzysztof Zanussi]
"Iskusstvo Kino" 1989 (2)

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"Sovietskii ekran" 1989 (10)

Tarkovsky's letters to Yevgeny Danilovich Surkov.

Takoye kino
[by Viktor Loisha]
"Druzhba narodov" 1989 (1)
Andrei Tarkovskii: "Dla menya kino — eto sposob dostich kakoi-to istiny"
"Ekran '90" 1990

Fragments of an October 1981 audience meeting transcribed from tape.
A sample:
Q: In your opinion aren't your films overloaded with unusual details? This impedes comprehension. In particular: why are there so many dirty, decaying walls in "Stalker"?
A: And for you decaying walls are unusual? Allow me to be sceptical. What could be more commonplace than decaying walls? I have just walked down the street and I saw them there, I even stopped next to one of them, that's how I liked its decay.

Andrei Tarkovskii: "Zhizn rozhdaetsa iz disgarmonii..."
"Kolumna" 1990 (7)

A 1967 interview with AT by N. Gibu.

Intervyu s vidaiushchimisa rezhissorami
(Beseda s Boleslavom Edelkhaitom)

VNII Kinoiskusstva, ed. by N. I. Nusinova 1990
Lektsii po kinorezhisure. Stsenarii.
[Lectures on Film Directing. The screenplay.]
"Iskusstvo Kino" 1990 (7)
Lektsii po kinorezhisure. Zamysel i yevo realizatsia.
[Lectures on Film Directing. Project and its realisation. (part I)]
"Iskusstvo Kino" 1990 (8)
Lektsii po kinorezhisure. Zamysel i yevo realizatsia.
[Lectures on Film Directing. Project and its realisation. (part II)]
"Iskusstvo Kino" 1990 (9)
Lektsii po kinorezhisure. Montazh.
[Lectures on Film Directing. Editing.]
"Iskusstvo Kino" 1990 (10)
Pisma w Zonu. Dva pisma k Sergeyu Paradzhanovu
"Iskusstvo Kino" 1990 (12)

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This letter of AT to Sergei Parajanov is also available here.

Pisma A. A. Tarkovskovo v CK KPSS
"Izvestia CK KPSS" 1990 (5)

AT's letters to the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee.

F. Medvedev: Tsena prozrenya
Ed. "Kniga" 1990

An almost complete text of AT's letter to his father explaining his decision to stay in the West. (The full text is available in French in the book Andrei Tarkovski.) Also a conversation with Arseny Tarkovsky about his son.

Andrei Tarkovskii o kinoiskusstve
In the book "Mir i filmy Andreya Tarkovskovo" 1991

An interview.

Khudozhnik otvechaet na voprosy
"Kinovedcheskie zapiski" 1992 (14)

Transcript of a 1973 audience meeting in East Berlin following a screening of "Solaris". Submitted for publication by Ruth Herlinghaus.

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