Friday, November 25, 2005 |
The latest news update from
Les Amis de l'Institut Andreï Tarkovski, Paris is found here
in English and here in French [PDF].
The letter explains that the upcoming
The Sacrifice DVD will include an interview with Erland Josephson and a documentary,
Le Dernier film by Michal Leszczylowski. The letter also includes details on the upcoming special
events in connection with the 20th anniversary of Tarkovsky's death
[ poster ].
The Tarkovsky Institute membership application form is found here.
Laura Geronazzo of Ultreya informs us that Andrei Tarkovsky's
Instant Light will soon
be avilable again, this time in paperback editions from Thames & Hudson, London,
as well as Thames & Hudson, New York.
The latter will distribute the book in the US, Canada, and Australia.
The release is planned for the spring of 2006.
This will be the first time the book is published in North America.
The ISBN codes are UK 0-500-28614-0 and USA 0-500-28614-0 52495.
An exhibition of the Polaroids will open in Florence on January 19th,
lasting until February 19th 2006, at the Archivio Storico del Comune di Firenze, Italy.
Thursday, November 17, 2005 |
Miloš Fryš
of the Czech Republic informs us that his new book, a collection of short texts on
Tarkovsky — in the works now for more than two years — is slated for a November 30 release.
The book, written in the Czech language, is entitled
Beauty as a Symbol of Truth (Krása je symbolem pravdy).
The collection of essays is personally selected and edited by Miloš Fryš,
who also translated most of the material into Czech. (Some of our
readers may already be aware of his Czech translation of Robert Bresson's Notes on the Cinematographer, listed
on our Bresson site).
The new book is published on his own publishing house, Camera obscura, with the support of a grant from the Czech Ministry of Culture.
Petr Gajdošík of our sister site contributed extensively to the final section of the book,
which provides one of the most complete overviews we have ever seen in print of
"all things Tarkovsky", i.e., filmographies, documentaries,
DVDs and DVD bonus materials, radio plays, theatre plays, soundtracks, books, articles, artwork, homages, and so on.
Miloš has kindly provided us with a copy of his book, along with an English-language summary of the book's contents.
Though not illustrated, this is a very handsome 450-page tome, printed on excellent quality
paper, with a sturdy, first-class hardcover binding, replete with integrated silk ribbon for bookmarking purposes.
We notice that the assistance of both and are prominently acknowledged in the
Special Thanks section.
This book is very clearly a labour of love, and it occupies a place of pride on our already extensive bookshelf.
We here at wish to congratulate Miloš Fryš on a job well done.
In connection with the book's publication, there will be a ceremony held at the
Prague Film Club Cinema Aero, Biskupcova Street 31, Prague 3, on November 30 at 8:30 pm.
The Killers and The Passion According to Andrei will screen during the event.
DVDBeaver has updated his Mirror comparison review to include the
recent Lizard release, here.
We are currently preparing a discussion of some of the
fascinating (and often startling) differences between the Polish version
of the Tarkovsky Diaries and the recently released French
édition définitive version. Stay tuned.
Monday, October 31, 2005 |
Arte, France, will be releasing a 2xDVD set of Le Sacrifice,
with Chris Marker's One Day in the Life of Andrei Arsenevitch and
Michal Lesczylowski's Directed by Andrei Tarkovsky as bonus materials.
The disc set is slated for a November 23 release. The format is PAL, Region 2, no English subtitles.
Available from and
Site visitor Steve Larson has provided the following review of the recent Korean Nostalghia
(EnterOne) release:
"The EnterOne DVD is a mortified disaster. As suspected, the NTSC video
transfer has not been properly converted from the Artificial Eye's PAL
source print. The first half hour of the film is consistently mired with
pops, hisses, crackles, and scratches. The audio is an MPEG-2 2.0, not
"Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo" as stated on the back cover. The hiss remains
for the remainder of the film though sound only gets a little better.
The transfer has been anamorphically squeezed and distorted from its
original 1.66:1 aspect ratio to 1.76:1 with marginal cropping. For the
flashback/memory scenes, there is contrast boosting and a sepia-tone
tinge that contradicts the film's initial aesthetic functions. The scene
selection design and number of chapter stops (11) is identical to A.E.
The only difference has to do with the subtitles, with spelling errors
corrected from A.E.'s translation. The only high points to the EnterOne
package is the front cover and stills in the accompanying booklet (all
text in Korean).
The Criterion LaserDisc/Fox Lorber DVD remains the best overall
presentation of the film, albeit with a non-anamorphic image and chroma
noise. It should be noted that the LD and subsequent Fox DVD used the
original 35mm interpositive. Moreover, director of photography Giuseppe
Lanci was evidently involved in the supervision of the transfer as he
credited on the back of Criterion/Voyager's jacket cover. Thus, the Fox
edition is the most accurate at the moment."
Thursday, October 20, 2005 |
In our July 31 news update, we mentioned the recent Korean DVD
releases of Nostalghia and Sacrifice. Site visitor Vic Spicer writes:
hello, i recently received both of these titles. while i've not had a chance to look at
"the sacrifice" in any detail, i can warn that (at least on my copy)
"nostalghia" the audio is not good. it has a distracting amount of background
hiss, numerous pops and other artifacts. was the original audio like this?
[The magnetic tracks have been lost and all DVD editions are based on the same
noisy analogue audio track. —Editors].
while the image itself is progressive and anamorphic (1.66), this audio problem
is truly distracting.
unfortunately, at least according to the box, the print of "the sacrifice" is also
1.66, but NOT anamorphic. both have also been converted to stereo.
these are legit – the packing is quite nice and notes are extensive. it's just a
shame they couldn't have put some care into fixing up the
sound on "nostalghia".
DVDBeaver provides comparison reviews of both the
Sacrifice and
Nostalghia discs.
Our friends in the Czech Republic
report that Alexei Alexeievitch Solonitsyn, brother of actor
Anatoly Solonitsyn (Andrei Rublev) was in Prague on October 19 and 20.
Mr. Solonitsyn is a Russian writer, philosopher, and also a filmmaker. While in Prague, he presented
a short film as well as some of his books. See photo on,
here, in their Oct. 14 update.
Someone has pointed out to us
the remarkable similarity between track #5 (Dukhovskaya/Song for Whitsuntide)
on the CD The Russian Seasons (Nonesuch, 2003)
and the folk song featured in Nostalghia. Interesting.
Monday, August 29, 2005 |
The Seaward 14th Chichester Film Festival, West Sussex, England, will include a screening of the films of Tarkovsky (August 27 to September 10). Full details here. Thanks to Wayne Spencer and Matthew Platts for notifying us.
Sunday, July 31, 2005 |
The Anthology Film Archives, New York, will be screening Mirror, The Sacrifice, Ivan's Childhood, Andrei Rublev, and Solaris during the period August 5 – 6. More details here. Also note that Sergei Paradjanov's Color of Pomegranates and Shadows of Our Forgotten Ancestors are being screened on August 10th.
Information on the premiere performance of Kimmo Hakola's Le Sacrifice by the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra under conductor Sakari Oramo is found here.
Thanks to Jani Pirisjoki for the heads-up.
In connection with the recent Mk2 DVD releases, Francis Moury provides capsule reviews of
Solaris, and
Stalker. As well, there is another article by Thorsten Botz-Bornstein
here. All in French.
A comparison between the now out-of-print Fox Lorber Nostalghia DVD and the RusCiCo release is found here. The RusCiCo disc is clearly inferior to the already unacceptable Fox Lorber disc (which now sells for $72 to $200 used, on We're not quite sure what exactly this is, but we'll let you know as soon as we find out. Enterone is a legit company that releases major Korean movies, so we have no reason to believe that it is a bootleg (as opposed to this inferior release, also Korean). Enterone is also releasing The Sacrifice.
Cameo, Spain, will be releasing a deluxe 3xDVD-set of The Sacrifice, according to this leaked information. We'll provide you with further details once we're permitted to.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005 |
The latest news update from
Les Amis de l'Institut Andreï Tarkovski, Paris is found here (French, PDF). Note that members can purchase the Mk2 Ivan's Childhood for as little as 15 Euros — detailed ordering information is given in the attached letter.
In our previous update, we provided a link to Francis Moury's review of the Mk2 Ivan's Childhood DVD. He has
also written a more "technical" review, and a link to that review is found here. (Links to reviews of the other Mk2 discs are also found on this page, but these other discs are direct
ports of the already well-known RusCiCo releases).
Almost all of Tarkovsky's films will be screened
in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, this summer. A program listing is found
Thanks to Jacob Dijkstra for the update.
Monday, July 4, 2005 |
The Irish Film Institute will be screening the following films
as part of their Tarkovsky Season in July and August.
Thanks to Hameed Chughtai for this update.
- July 2, 3 (1420 hrs) – Ivan's Childhood
- July 23, 24 (1400 hrs) – Solaris
- August 6, 7 (1400 hrs) – Andrei Rublev
- August 13, 14 (1420 hrs) – Mirror
- August 20, 21 (1400 hrs) – Stalker
- August 27, 28 (1400 hrs) – Offret
- August 27, 28 (1400 hrs) – Nostalghia (note, the dates for Nostalghia are indicated as unconfirmed)
The recent Mk2 Ivan's Childhood DVD is reviewed by Francis Moury, here.
RusCiCo informs us that all
Ivan's Childhood DVDs produced after April 2005, starting with the Mk2 release,
contain the remastered version of the film (see recent news items).
This includes any re-pressings of the edition available
directly from RusCiCo: these will appear when their current inventory of the old version
is...uh, sold out. The Njuta Films, Moskwood, Artificial Eye, etc., versions will presumably
remain of unacceptable quality unless these entities have enough insight into the situation to
request of RusCiCo a new Master tape.
Monday, June 13, 2005 |
Gary Tooze over at DVDBeaver
has kindly provided us with exclusive previews of his upcoming MK2 (RusCiCo) Tarkovsky reviews:
Gary's conclusion is: "I have done the comparisons for every MK2 Tarkovsky DVD. They are all exact
RusCiCo ports, but Ivan's Childhood is from a newer RusCiCo [transfer] and looks
marvelous. Definitely worth purchase...".
Thursday, June 2, 2005 |
Les Amis de l'Institut Andreï Tarkovski, Paris, reports that on
May 25, the MK2 Parnasse commenced an Andrei Tarkovsky retrospective.
The new RusCiCo/MK2 Ivan's Childhood
DVD is a "must-have" for Tarkovsky collectors (see previous news item), and members of the Les Amis
may be pleased to hear that they can purchase this DVD for a mere 15 Euros. See the latest
news update from the Les Amis for additional details.
This newsletter also announces their upcoming June 12th meeting during which there will be, among other things, a
screening of Moscow, After Tarkovsky, a 30-minute 1994 interview by Charles H. de Brantes with Alexander Kaïdanovski.
Thorsten Botz-Bornstein informs us that a long version of his earlier article on
Tarkovsky's "aesthetics of the strange" is now on-line, here.
Monday, May 30, 2005 |
Last week, MK2 released their Tarkovsky titles, based on material licensed from RusCiCo.
The source materials used for Ivan's Childhood are however completely different from those used by RusCiCo on their
earlier Ivan's release (used e.g., by Artificial Eye). We have been informed that the image quality, which was earlier more or less of VHS quality,
is now "simply stellar." A comparison can be found here,
where the first set of screen captures is taken from the new MK2 DVD, and the second set is from the
by now so infamous original RusCiCo DVD release. The original mono soundtrack is included, as are
English (and other) subtitles. Many thanks to Michael Lellouche for this important update.
It would appear that RusCiCo/MK2 have now actually provided us with what we were originally expecting from Criterion: a pristine Ivan's Childhood...
Monday, May 2, 2005 |
Cuore di Silenzio/Heart of Silence (also described as
"the story of the real Andrei Rublev, told by Mr. Zanni, Comico dell'Arte")
is currently playing in London at the
Court/Curtain's Up Theatre. The play — dedicated to Andrei Tarkovsky
and freely inspired by his film — features Gino Paccagnella from
Bologna and the performances continue until 8 May. Antonella Mottin who
sent us this information adds: "This is a unique opportunity to listen
from Mr. Zanni himself the real story of Andrei Rublev, in a very
special Commedia dell'Arte style".
Read more about it here.
19 April - 8 May
7.45 pm
ADMISSION: £10/£8 concs.
The Barons Court Theatre
(Curtain's Up) Barons Court Pub
28A Comeragh Road
London W14
Box office: 020 8932 4747
nearest tube: Barons Court
We've received this heads-up from Wayne Spencer:
You may wish to note that The National Museum of Photography, Film &
Television in Bradford, England, is holding a Tarkovsky season in May
and June. In May they will be showing Solaris (6th-7th), Ivan's
Childhood (9th-10th), Stalker (11th-12th) and Mirror (25th-26th).
According to their printed brochure for May, Andrei Rublev and The
Sacrifice will follow in June. For further information, see It seems likely that the Museum will be
using the touring BFI prints (they are showing in nearby Leeds at
around the same time), but there is no obvious mention of this on the
BFI's site.
Saturday, April 16, 2005 |
The American Film Institute, Silver Spring, Maryland, will be screening The Complete Feature Films of Andrei Tarkovsky,
April 16 through Saturday, April 30.
Details here.
Théâtre du Nord, located
in Lille in Northern France, is staging the play Le visa Tarkovski
by Michel Bompoli from April 27 to May 13, 2005. As mentioned before,
the play is based on Tarkovsky's diaries. Andrey Tarkovski Jr. will be
participating in a press conference which will take place on April 27, prior to
the premiere of the play. Moreover, a retrospective of Tarkovsky's films will be shown at
the Majestic — situated in Lille city centre — around
the same time as the play (details to be announced).
Thanks to Isabelle Demeyere and William Miller for information on these exciting events.
Isabelle sent a press kit and William sent a photo he took in Lille yesterday.
It would appear that our fears were justified: the upcoming MK2 Tarkovsky DVDs are merely repackaged versions
of the infernal RusCiCo discs which have already been available with French subtitles (for example via
Artificial Eye) for a long time. The even shamelessly list the soundtrack as "Dolby
Digital 5.1", so the prudent Tarkovsky aficionado may want to avoid these discs.
Thanks to Juan Asensio and Wayne Spencer for helping us confirm these facts.
Saturday, April 9, 2005 |
Les Amis de l'Institut Andreï Tarkovski met
in Paris on March 20 for their annual General Assembly meeting (as announced in our March 1 news update).
They sent us this meeting summary and update on future events (in English, PDF format).
The Les Amis membership-form is found
here (French, PDF). Please consider signing up as a support member (we did!).
The exhibit of Andrei Tarkovsky's Polaroids will be in Padua (north-east Italy) from 6 May
to 5 June and in Capalbio (central Italy) from 10 June and well into July. It should find itself back in Florence
by September or October. See our March 1 and March 7 updates for more information.
A BFI touring programme of Tarkovsky films is being shown in
a number of cinemas across Britain from April 1. Details can be found
The new, English-subtitled MK2 Robert Bresson DVD boxset
(see our Bresson News section for more information
on all things Bresson)
comes with a brochure that announces a venir Coffret Tarkovski. Let's hope these are
new transfers and not merely a repackaged version of the unacceptable RusCiCo releases.
(For example, the world desperately needs a decent transfer of Stalker. The RusCiCo release has numerous serious flaws.)
Speaking of the Bresson site, many of our readers may find
this interview
to be of some interest. Tarkovsky is mentioned frequently during this conversation
between filmmakers Jonathan Hourigan and Tim Cawkwell.
April 4th was what would have been Andrei's 73rd birthday.
Our correspondent Eugene Borzov in Ivanovo sent us the following report.
Dear Trond and Jan,
I'm happy to contribute to your news section with the
latest account of the current events in Yurievets,
the place where Andrey Tarkovsky 73 years ago.
This year the Tarkovsky Museum was visited by Yevgeny
Zharikov (lieutenant Galtsev in Ivan's Childhood)
who shared his memories about the Master with the
Marina A. Tarkovskaya, Andrey's sister, donated to
the Museum some pictures and documents related to the
time they lived together in Yurievets in the beginning
of the 40s. This exhibition was very much in tune with
the general campaign underway in Russia now to mark
the 60th anniversary of the end of WWII. There were a
number of photos of Arseny Tarkovsky, dressed in a
military uniform, articles and poems he wrote as a
combat correspondent and copies of his letters to his
family in 1942-43.
The participants of Andrey Tarkovsky Memorial Days
were introduced to a short documentary about Anatoly
Solonitsin (who starred in most of Tarkovsky's films).
The film was made by A. Solonitsin's brother in 1989
as a tribute to the outstanding actor Andrey loved so
Please see the attachment for some pictures I made in
Yurievets on April 4th: [ panorama | photo ]
I guess Tarkovsky's fans in Russia may feel happy to
find out a new book about A. Tarkovsky by Nikolay
Boldirev: The Sacrifice of Andrey Tarkovsky
(ISBN 5-9560-0101-1, Moscow, Vagrius, 2004, 527 pp.)
is perhaps the first publication in this country which
includes Russian translations of Tarkovsky's Diaries,
already available in a number of European languages,
but not until now in his native language (cover scan).
Thank you for your wonderful site again!
Best regards,
Eugene Borzov
We're usually more than happy to plug honest, hard-working artists
whenever there is some Tarkovsky connection. We recently received a
nice letter from Ilai Rämä of the Finnish band Kirlian Crossing.
He says: "The original goal of our music making was to combine Nick Drake type
of folk songs into Soviet Union era science fiction in Tarkovsky spirit. That was
the starting point, but we went little wrong. Maybe we get there on the
next album." Check out the mp3 files on their
The Moscow Film Museum is still in danger of being converted into a strip-bar (see our March 1 update) — follow the latest developments here.
Thursday, March 10, 2005 |
Filmmaker Sean Martin — longtime supporter and frequent contributor — has written a short book on Andrei Tarkovsky. The book, due to be published in September, is simply called Andrei Tarkovsky. More details, including the cover design, can be found
(If we are to judge the book by its cover, it would appear that this little volume actually is more complete in its scope than any other
single Tarkovsky-related title out there.)
Artificial Eye are finally advertising (in the latest NFT programme)
their Andrei Tarkovsky Companion DVD, which we
first hinted about in our February 6, 2003 news update. The title is slated for a "late Spring 2005" release.
The release will include Chris Marker's One Day in the Life of Andrei Arsenevitch, Alexander Sokurov's Moscow Elegy, Tarkovsky's Tempo di Viaggio (with the corrected subtitles), and possibly another
not-yet-confirmed title.
In our January 25 news item we mentioned Olga
Surkova and her two Russian books: Tarkovskii i ya (published
in 2002) and the new S Tarkovskim i o Tarkovskom
(published in 2005).
Both are currently being translated to English by Kirill
Galetski who sent us this small teaser
from Tarkovskii i ya (called Tarkovsky
vs. Tarkovsky in English).
The books are quite different from one another and form
a complementary and insightful "double portrait" of the artist.
The publishers' notes can be found on our bibliography
As a quick reminder, Ms. Surkova will be presenting her new book
at a Paris book fair
(which includes an expanded Russian section) on March 22 from 7–8 pm,
at Salon du Livre, Hall 1, Paris expo, Metro station: Porte
de Versailles.
We have followed this story closely for several months, but here is
an official announcement from the BFI, dated March 8:
You may be interested to know that from 1 March Tarkovsky's feature films
and shorts can be seen at the NFT, along with some documentaries about his
cinema and a series of seminars exploring his work. An extended run of
Stalker (also in a new print) will begin on 11 March.
For more information about the season, including film details and screening times,
visit Tickets can be bought online or at the NFT Box
Office or by calling 020 7928 3232.
Feel free to add this information to your website or to contact me for images and
further details.
Stephen Cowburn
Marketing (Venues)
British Film Institute
National Film Theatre
London SE1 8XT
+44 (0)20 7849 4464
Monday, March 7, 2005 |

Two quick errata concerning foreign editions
of Tarkovsky's books mentioned in the previous news item.
The Italian edition of Instant Light is not the only
one currently in print — two more language versions are available.
One is the French edition
Lumière instantanée,
published in November 2004 by Éditions Philippe Rey.
It is still available at
The French
Amazon seems to be "actuellement indisponible"
(or more to the point, "en rupture de stock").
Another version is the German edition Lichtbilder, published
in May 2004 by Schirmer/Mosel Verlag. It can be found e.g. on the German
Amazon site.
The text from these books is available in English via links on
this page.
In our second mea culpa we'd like to note that our news of the imminent
French publication of Tarkovsky's diaries was several months out of
date, as the book Journal 1970–1986. Édition
définitive has been published last November by Cahiers du
Cinéma. It is available both at
fnac and
It is also worth mentioning that Récits de jeunesse —
the latest discovery by the Tarkovski Institute of some unknown writings by
the young Tarkovsky — has been published in November, also by
Éditions Philippe Rey in Paris, see for example
(note the wrong cover scan)
Tuesday, March 1, 2005 |
Les Amis de l'Institut Andreï Tarkovski is meeting
in Paris on March 20 for their annual
General Assembly meeting. All are invited. Upcoming activities of the Tarkovsky
Institute (Paris, Florence, Moscow) will be announced at the meeting. Bruno Girard and Laurent Mesguich
will present theoretical reflections on Stalker and The Sacrifice, respectively.
Additional details are found here [PDF file, English].
An exhibit of Andrei Tarkovsky's Polaroids opened
last Friday at the Museo
Cantonale d'Arte in Lugano, Switzerland:
Luce istantanea, Fotografie 1979–1984
(we thank Laura Geronazzo of
Ultreya for this information).
According to the Italian PDF booklet hidden within Museo
Cantonale's somewhat Flash-heavy web site, the exhibit has been organised by
Giovanni Chiaramonte and Andrei Andreievich Tarkovsky with the collaboration
of Ultreya, Milano, and the Andrei Tarkovsky Foundation in Florence, Paris,
and Moscow.
The exhibit remains open until 3 April.
The Museum is also presenting a conference chaired by Giovanni Chiaramonte:
Tra flusso e istante
Il tempo nell'opera di Tarkovskij
Tuesday, 15 March
Museo Cantonale d'Arte
Via Canova 10
6900 Lugano
tel. 091 910 47 80
Last but not least, Cinema Iride
at Piazza Maghetti in Lugano is showing four films
by Tarkovsky:
Andrei Rublov
Sunday, 6 March
5, 8.30
Ivan's Childhood
Friday, 18 March
8.30, 10.30
Saturday, 19 March
8.30, 10.30
Sunday, 20 March
5, 8.30
On a related yet sour note: Thames and Hudson
inform us that the English translation of the book (Instant Light)
has gone out of print and there are currently no plans to reprint it.
Unfortunately, no US edition is planned either, thanks in part to the abysmal
dollar-to-euro exchange rate. The book has thus joined some other (to us) indispensable works,
such as Le Fanu's
The Cinema of Andrei Tarkovsky, David Bordwell's
Ozu and the Poetics of Cinema, and Keiko McDonald's
Mizoguchi, in obscurity and availability only very rarely through such
channels as eBay or Abebooks, at exorbitant prices.
As for Instant Light, we therefore recommend the original Italian edition which is still available
e.g., at the Internet Bookshop Italia.
The Italian text from the book is available in English via links on
this page.
The French translation of Tarkovsky's
complete diaries on the other hand appears to be nearing publication.
Currently the Italian translation Martirologio is the only
complete version. We'll keep you posted on further details and
the publication date in France.
Tarkovsky enthusiast Malcolm Smith's personal guide to the London, England NFT Tarkovsky festival
may be viewed here.
We at wish the BFI/NFT great success — may the turnout be tremendous!
We conclude with a sad bit of news from Moscow. The Moscow Film Museum
has been ordered to vacate its rooms immediately. You can read more
about this absurd story here. Thus ends the saga begun a few
years ago, see this note for example.
The articles do not mention what plans the new owner has for the building,
although Google search reveals the following (are you sitting down?):
Casino Arlekino, a strip-bar, and a sauna. It's hard to imagine a more
symbolic sign of times for cultural priorities in Russia today.
Saturday, February 19, 2005 |
We have just published an (in our opinion) important essay by Robert Bird,
Gazing into Time: Tarkovsky and Post-Modern Cinema Aesthetics.
Among the works he touches upon are Vida Johnson and Graham Petrie's
The Films of Andrei Tarkovsky: A Visual Fugue,
Igor Evlampiev's Andrei Tarkovsky's Artistic Philosophy,
and James Macgillivray's Andrei Tarkovsky's 'Madonna del Parto'.
The new issue of Sight and Sound magazine (March 2005, pages 30–33) includes a one-page article on "the ongoing relevance" of Tarkovsky by Nick Jones (Icon), followed by three pages of stills from, and short texts on, Tarkovsky's films. The texts come from Tarkovsky himself or various previous Sight and Sound articles.
[Thanks to Wayne Spencer for the update]
The National Film Theatre (London, England) March programme says of its Tarkovsky season:
"The prints are all of good quality, and in three cases (Solaris, Stalker and Mirror) have been especially struck for the occasion".
[Thanks to Wayne Spencer for the info]
The February 12 issue of the British newspaper The Guardian
included an article on Tarkovsky by Jonathan Jones. The full text is found here. To mark the beginning of the NFT's run of the new print of Solaris, the Guardian has published a short review of the film, here.
[Thanks to Neil. S. McLaggan and Wayne Spencer for the update]
The new issue of Vertigo magazine (Spring/Summer 2005, page 55) includes a 'special reader offer' whereby two tickets for the National Film Theatre's Tarkovsky season can be purchased for the price of one. The offer is valid only for bookings in person at the NFT's box office and a copy of the new issue of Vertigo must be presented at the time of booking.
[Thanks again Wayne!]
Our mini-reviews of the Facets NTSC DVD releases of Alexander Sokurov's
Spiritual Voices and Confession are found here.
The discs come highly recommended.
Tuesday, February 8, 2005 |
Anna Asp, the prolific Swedish
designer who worked with Andrei Tarkovsky (The Sacrifice)
and Ingmar Bergman (Fanny and Alexander, Autumn Sonata, among others),
will be at the Berlin Film Festival this month with a presentation on
her design concepts for The Sacrifice. The film will then be shown
with German subtitles. The following evening she discusses imaginary and
real rooms with director Jutta Brückner. Thanks to Kirill Galetski for this information.
Dates and locations are as follows:
Design concepts for The Sacrifice:
February 17, 8pm, at the CinemaxX 8 (the eigth auditorium)
CinemaxX Potsdamer Platz
(entrance on Voxstraße)
Potsdamer Str. 5
10785 Berlin
Anna Asp with Jutta Brückner:
February 18, 6pm
Filmmuseum Berlin
Potsdamer Str. 2
10785 Berlin
(U/S-Bahn Potsdamer Platz)
The Metro Cinema in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, will be screening The Sacrifice to accompany local film maker Aaron Munson's short-film fixation on Thursday, March 3, at 19:00.
Thanks to Kyle Armstrong – also a local filmmaker – for the tip.
Further to our previous news item on the Nujta Films, Sweden, RusCiCo DVDs:
Ivan's Childhood, Stalker and The Mirror include original mono soundtracks.
This is not the case for Andrej Rubljov and Solaris.
(As far as we know, no current RusCiCo edition of the latter two films includes a mono soundtrack.)
Many thanks to Jouko Isosomppi and Nicolas Debot for the information.
The NFT have put full details of their Tarkovsky season in March on
their website. Thanks to Aidan King of Cornwall for the tip.
Our colleagues over at Senses of Cinema have published their review of Instant Light: Tarkovsky Polaroids. Thanks to Wayne Spencer for letting us know.
We have received preview DVDs of Facets Video's upcoming NTSC/Region 1 releases of Alexander Sokurov's Spiritual Voices and Confession. We will bring you our reviews shortly. In the meantime, read Mr. Sokurov's own introduction.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005 |
The National Film Theatre, London, England, are screening Solaris February 18–28.
Further details here. Thanks to Wayne Spencer for the update! Note that a complete Tarkovsky retrospective will be held at the NFT in February/March (please, somebody, send us a hardcopy of the film programme for our archives...).

There is a new book out, by Olga Surkova.
The title is S Tarkovskim i o Tarkovskom (With Tarkovsky
and On Tarkovsky). The publisher's blurb reads, roughly translated into
English, "unique material is contained in this book by film historian Olga
Surkova, a long-standing and devoted researcher of the works by Andrei
Tarkovsky with whom she shared friendship for many years. Interviews
as well as transcripts of diaries and audio tapes included in the book
immerse the reader in the creative world of the great director, allowing
participation in the filmmaking process, providing verbal formulations –
rather than cinematographic ones – of Tarkovsky's views on art, the
artist, and the viewer." Published by Raduga, 2005 Hard cover, 464 pp.
ISBN 5-05-006018-4. Circulation: 3,000.
Olga Surkova will be presenting her new book at a Paris book fair (which includes an expanded Russian section)
on March 22 from 7–8 pm, at Salon du Livre, Hall 1, Paris expo, Metro station: Porte de Versailles.
This book is a follow-up to Ms. Surkova's earlier book Tarkovskiy i ya. Dnevnik pionerki (Tarkovsky and I — Diary of a Girl Scout) [ cover ].
Neither book is currently available in English. The good news is that both books are in the process of being translated. However, no publisher has yet been found. We invite our readers to help remedy this
situation: please read this letter from the translator, Kirill Galetski.
Independent DVD distributors Njuta Films, Sweden (check out their large press photos), and Moskwood Media, The Netherlands, are both issuing RusCiCo Tarkovsky titles in their respective countries. No word yet on whether or not some or all of these titles include the original (mono) soundtrack.
Saturday, January 1, 2005 |
According to Kino,
the American Cinematheque at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood will be showing "Three Films By Andrei Tarkovsky"
January 27–29:
Andrei Rublov (205 min) on Thursday, January 27 at 7:30 pm and Saturday, January 29 at 7:30 pm,
Solaris on Friday, January 28 at 7:30 pm, and
Mirror on Saturday, January 29 at 5:00 pm.
Also, American Cinematheque at the Aero Theatre in Santa Monica
will be screening Mirror
on February 10, Solaris on February 11, and Andrei Rublov on February 13.
The journal Russian Studies in Literature recently published a paper called
Andrei Tarkovsky as Reader of Arsenii Tarkovsky's Poetry in the Film Mirror. Copyright is the property of M.E. Sharpe Inc.; the article may be downloaded
and printed for individual use only. Thanks to Wayne Spencer for notifying us of this paper.
Juan Asensio [ website ]
discusses the two recent Philippe Rey [ed.] books (see our December 6 news item),
While digging through our archives, we ran across some professionally recorded audio tapes from the
set of Sacrifice.
We extracted two brief clips for you, which demonstrate how Andrei Tarkovsky instructed his cast,
how he responded to their questions, how he changed parts of the the script on the fly,
and the dynamic manner in which the team was able to work through their translator, with
virtually real-time Swedish-Russian-English translation
[ clip 1
| clip 2 ].
We received the following letter from The Netherlands.
From : Stegeman, mw. J.E.
To :
Date : December 13, 2004 3:50:59 AM MST
Subject : Exhibition The Sacrifice in Breda
Dear Sir,
Nov. 20 we opened an exhibition inspired by Offret / The Sacrifice of Andrey Tarkovsky in our
museum for contemporary art in Breda, Netherlands. The exhibition lasts till Feb. 13, 2005.
Attached: poster | exhibition concept | list of artists.
With kind regards,
Dr. Elly Stegeman, Conservator beeldende kunst, Museum De Beyerd, Breda, The Netherlands
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