
Alexander monologue
This material is reproduced by Nostalghia.com with the kind permission of Assistant Director Kerstin Eriksdotter.
Only translated in part. Translation work remains to be done.
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Note by Andrei.
Translation of above note, into Swedish.
English translation would be:
"Good God, how tired I am of all the talk! 'Words, words, words!' Only now
do I understand what Hamlet meant: ...he simply could not stand windbags!
And now myself, why am I chattering? If only someone would stop
talking and do something instead. At least try to!"
By the way, the heading at the top of the original version says:
"For the translator (in addition)", and the paragraph heading says: "Mr. Alexander".
The sentence that's crossed out in the Russian: "The talk with no limit and no
end!" I.e., we here have a 100% genuine outtake!